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Import Lead Time

The lead time varies with the the size of the order, the number of items, where these items are made, and what kind of material.

The most ideal case is that you ordered one full container of only one item. We can nomally ship out this item in 60 days with the exception of unpeeled willow. If this item happens to be made of bamboo, or metal wire, we can sometimes ship out in 45 days.

If you are ordering a few items, say up to 8, all made in the same material except unpeeled willow in one container, we can ship the whole order out in 60 days.

If you are ordering many items, and in many materials, we may not be able to ship your order out until 120 days.

Unpeeled Willow

Unpeeled willow baskets have always been attractive, but hard to get. The following paragraphs explain the probblems and ways to solve them. When you are done reading, you will become an expert in unpeeled willow.

The bark of the willow changes through the year. In the Spring and Summer, it becomes loose to allow the plant to grow. In the Fall, it grows tight so the plant can weather through the severeWinter.

So if the willow is cut in the Spring or Summer, its bark is loose and flakey. It is not usefuly to make unpeeled willow. Only the willow what is is cut in the late Fall can be used for unpeeled willow baskets.

However, the freshly cut willow can not be used for baskets right away. It has to be slowly dried and cured. Otherwise, the water inside will sip out and cause the baskets grow mildew. This curing process takes about a couple of months, usually from January to February.

By the end of March, if nobody has ordered the unpeeled willow baskets, farmers in China will peeled off the skin of the willow. Otherwise, the willow will become viable unless it is cooked. In this case, the willow sticks can only be used for unpeeled willow baskets. Since most orders they receive are regular white willow, farmers will not keep unpeeled willow.

When you want a goo job done in unpeeled willow, you have to place your order from January to March, wait for delivery from March to August.

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