In this category, baskets are arranged by the shape and size.
Oval and rectangular baskets are categorized as follows: 18" and over as large, 12" to 18" as medium, less than 12" as small.
Round and square baskets are categorized as follows: 16" and over as large, 10" to 16" as medium, less than 10" as small.
Baskets made with flat back are great for gift baskets. They are easy to design. Only the front side needs special care. The high back can be a great support for easy packing and shipping. The basket can be photographed outstandingly like a handle basket. Yet the cost is much less.
These Large Basket in sets are still the handsomemost creature that represent art creativity and sweat.
These baskets measure 18" or more in oval or rectangular; 16" or more in round or square.
Large baskets are defined as 16" or larger if the shape is round or rectangular; 18" ore larger is the shape is oval or rectangular.
These baskets are good sizes for everyday usage. You can break the set up to make gift baskets, using all three sizes.
These baskets measures from 12" to under 18" if in oval or rectangular shape, 10" to under 15" if in round or square shape.
Medium basket is defined as 12" to 16" if shape is round or square; 14" to 18" if shape is oval or rectangule.
These baskets do not have handles. They measure less than 12" in length if oval or rectangular, less than 10" in diameter if round or square.
Small handle basket is defined as 12" or smaller if shape is round or square; 14" or smaller if shape is in oval or round.